Sunday, November 19, 2006


My apologies for all my readers, I was not able to update my blog more often. It’s been a heck of a month with my time working on one of my scripts and although I did take the time to do other things, most of them resulted pulling me outside my virtual e-world.

So without further ado, here is a little update and I do hope to make another one in the middle of December.

I am currently working on the dark fantasy “Glint Of Dark” second rewrite and will push this script for competitions along with all my upcoming queries in 2007. I understand this is its genre might not appeal to everyone but my niche had already been focused on certain prod-cos. I left certain avenues in the script open for the possibility of a sequel. So here goes for the possible franchise.

“Glint of Dark” for those who don’t know is my attempt to redefine legendary beings within a religious background. I could have gone into a drama, horror or even a thriller but I chose to head toward action. Up to now, it’s moving nicely and will be available to read as soon as I send this one to the LOC for certification.

I have also started to think on ideas for other scripts and stories. All of them away from GoD’s fantasy genre. There will be action thrillers involving my usual dark/gritty territories. I will take the time to develop those as soon as the current project is finished.

There you go for now. Exciting stuff as far as writing goes…Other than that, I’m still staring at the white wall in front of me.